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时间:2024-11-14 14:33:28 来源:网络整理 编辑:时尚
01今日长难句The pollster finds that having a “best friend at work” is closely associated with all manner
The pollster finds that having a “best friend at work” is closely associated with all manner of good things, from greater employee engagement to higher retention and better safety records.
pollster / ˈpoʊlstər / n. 民意调查,考研句中指“盖洛普民意调查”
be associated with 和......有关
manner / ˈmænər / n. 种类
all manner of... 各种各样的英语安康市某某消防设备售后客服中心......
engagement / ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt / n. 参与,参与度
employee engagement 员工敬业度
retention / rɪˈtenʃ(ə)n / n. 保持,长难安康市某某消防设备售后客服中心保留,考研句中指“(员工的英语)留职率”
The pollster finds that...
having a “best friend at work” is closely associated with all manner of good things
from greater employee engagement to higher retention and better safety records
The pollster finds that having a “best friend at work” is closely associated with all manner of good things, from greater employee engagement to higher retention and better safety records.
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